Incoming Students

Degree Programmes

Degree programmes offered at the Department of Architecture, Design and Planning

There are three three-year graduate Bachelor level programmes:
Architectural and design sciences 
Urban and landscape planning. Environmental project of cities and territories

There are two two-year Master level programmes:
Planning and policies for the City, Environment and Landscape

Furthermore, there is a Doctorate school in Architecture and Environment.

Course Units

Course unit list

Please consult the course unit list and include course unit codes in your Learning Agreement.

Didattica erogata anno accademico 2024-25 (Italian version, isced codes 0731, 0730)
Course unit list for academic year 2024-25 (English version, isced codes 0731, 0730)

Please note that you may not choose more than one project laboratory per semester and should you choose course units from different degree programmes or from different years of study, there may be timetable conflicts and at our department attendance is mandatory. This means that if you do not attend at least 80% of the course you will not be admitted to the exams.

It is not possible to choose single modules from an interdisciplinary Project Laboratory block/ course unit.

For the definition and approval of the Learning Agreement, please contact the referent teacher for you University at our department as described in the Referent Teacher List.

Learning Agreement Referent Teacher List 2024-25


Course unit contents

Details of the course units can be found using a dedicated search tool.
Please use the links top left to change langage (Italian/English).

Course catalogue

Search teaching activities:

The filters can be used to select the teaching activies of the degree programme you are interested in, for example:
    Academic year: 2024/2025
    Department: ARCHITETTURA, DESIGN E URBANISTICA  (Architecture, design and urban planning)
    Course: Select the degree programme:
               [1212] L2: Architectural and design sciences (Bachelor level, isced code 0731)
               [A145] L2: Urban and landscape planning. Environmental project of cities and territories (Bachelor level, isced code 0731)
               [A144] L2: Design (Bachelor level, isced codes 0211, 0212, 0213)
               [1235] LM: Architecture (Master Level, isced codes 0731, 0730)
               [1226] LM: Planning and Policies for the city, environment and landscape (Master Level, isced code 0731)

The course code is given in square brakets before the title of the course (once you click on the link)

You can also search for by Professor.

Search Professors - Ricerca Insegnamenti:;

Language of Instruction

Subjects are offered in Italian, we recommend a B1 level of knowledge of the Italian or the English language. A large majority of lecturers will offer assistance and materials in English, but maybe not all.
Exams are in Italian, but some Professors may allow students to take the exam in English. It is at the teacher's discretion.

Lesson timetable

Links for the academic calendar and the lesson timetable are available at the following page:

The timetable is updated before the begining of each Semester.

Interactive lesson timetable

The interactive timetable is available at the following link or via the Uniss.Orario App:

Uniss.Orario Smartphone App

Uniss.Orario is the official application of the lesson timetable of the University of Sassari (see below for further details).

Academic Calendar

Lessons normally run from the begining of October to the end of January and from the begining of March to the end of June, with exam sessions in February (whole month), July (whole month) and September (whole month).

Please consult the academic calendar for more information.

Exam timetable

The exam timetable is available on the Self Studenti Uniss website. Exam sessions are held in February (whole month), July (whole month) and September (whole month).

Exam timetable rearch (Ricerca Appelli):;
Please use the links top left to change langage (Italian/English)

Select our Department from the list:

You can find exam dates by degree programme (Corso di studio), Teaching activity (Attività didattica), or by Professor (Docente).

The Exam search result will list the course unit name (Attività didattica), the dates that exam booking will be available on the self student website (Periodo iscrizioni), the date and time of the exam, the exam type (oral/written), the name of the professor, the number of students who have booked the exam.

Please note that exam booking is only available for a limited time (two weeks) and closes a few days before the exam so please check the exam booking window well in advance of the exam.

It is not possible to take exams outside of the fixed exam date.

Exam registration

At the University of Sassari we have an online procedure for exam registration from the student database, Self Studenti Uniss.

Online exam registration (verbalizzazione online) is available for all full course units/subjects within the Syllabus of degree programmes offered at the University of Sassari.

Some courses are divided in modules but single modules cannot be registered online. Students taking individual modules, elective credits, summer schools, Italian as a foreign language courses etc. should register these exams individually on the paper exam registration form provided on request.

For issues related to exam registration please contact Chiara Bishop.


For distance learning and blended learning there are three methods of delivery:

  • Synchronous: through the use of Microsoft Teams, available free of charge to students and staff, under the Crui-Microsoft agreement; other methods may be used, such as the use of Google Meet - in this case, the methods chosen and the methods of access are communicated by the teacher.
  • Asynchronous: through the use of the Moodle eDADU platform or Microsoft Teams
  • Mixed: through the use of both platforms

Moodle eDADU platform

To login to the eDADU platform you should use the same username and password as for the Self studenti uniss. NB. Please make sure you have logged into the Self studenti uniss website and changed your password before logging into the eDadu platform
Once you have logged in to the eDadu platform, please join the 'Comunicazioni e avvisi' forum on the homepage to get important updates from the Department by email.

Please enroll in each course unit page for the current academic year where available and join course units forums to get notifications from your teachers about course materials and assignments by email. The course unit pages are organised by degree programme.

Uniss student email account

On enrollment at uniss, a student email account is generated automatically (it is a gmail uniss student account).
The username and password for the student email account are the same as for the access to the Self Studenti portal (, password selfstudenti)

If you have problems accessing your Gmail student account, you will have to login to the Self Studenti uniss and change the password (please note: it is not sufficient to ask for “recupero password” but you need to access your Self studenti and change the password). After 30 minutes approximately it will be possible to access Gmail.
For technical problems you can telephone 079 229852 or email:

Microsoft Teams

Download the Mircosoft Teams App or go to the website and log in using the "Login" button
username: your institutional e-mail address
password: the password used to access Self Studenti.

(N.B. If you have problems logging in with these credentials, please access the Self Student and change your password, wait 30-60 mins and try again). In some cases, the alignment of credentials is not automatic, in which case support is provided by Maria Spada (email:

Once you access Teams and you can enroll in the online course of your interest or in the Team, following one of the following methods:
1. Registration through a unique code if users of the uniss organization
2. Registration as "guest" by invitation of the teacher if external users to the uniss organization

Please consult the uniss guide for Teams

Uniss Smartphone Apps

MyUniss Smartphone App

The University of Sassari has created an official app available Google Play Store and Apple store that allows you to manage your university career and have all the information on educational activities directly from your mobile device.

With MyUniss the student has at his/her disposal a Mobile Student Secretariat, available 24/7, with which it is possible (after authentication with your personal access credentials of the "Self Uniss Students") in particular:
- Consult your university career, with the booklet and all the lessons, the credits, the available exam sessions;
- Consult and register for exam sessions for the courses in your plan, with an indication of the opening / closing dates and the reference session;
- Receive official university messages;
- Complete the questionnaires of the teaching activities.

Uniss.Orario Smartphone App

Uniss.Orario is the official application of the lesson timetable of the University of Sassari.
With Uniss.Orario you can have on your device:
- Configuration of the degree course, year and educational path.
- Display of lesson times both for the week and for the entire educational cycle.
- Detailed description of the lessons with references to the teachers.
- Classroom availability in real time.

Italian Language courses

Italian Language courses are provided for Incoming Students. These include intensive courses in September-October and in February at the beginng of the semesters, and regular courses in the first and second semesters.

More information about Italian Language courses is available here:

Centro linguistico di Ateneo (CLA)

Guide for Incoming students

The guide provides a comprehensive description of the facilities and the services available at the University of Sassari and also some information about the city and Sardinia, in general.

Consult the giude for incoming students at the University of Sassari:

COVID-related information for incoming students

At UNISS, we are making all possible efforts to make sure that your mobility experience is as safe and rewarding as possible. For this reason, we have developed a set of instructions and rules that will help us protect your health and education.

We all hope that, despite this difficult time, your experience at UNISS will be fulfilling and that you will have the chance to become an active member of our resident and international community!

Life in Alghero

The Department of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning of the University of Sassari is located in Alghero and was the first Architecture Faculty in Sardinia. Our “campus” is situated in the beautiful historic centre of the city at 36 km from the main campus in Sassari.

The friendly and informal campus life in Alghero is a reflection of the community at large; Alghero is a tolerant, lively and exciting place. Alghero, capital of the Coral Coast, is one of the most coveted goals of the northwest coast thanks to its 80 km of sand beaches, isolated inlets and charming cliffs. Alghero is located on the north-western coast of Sardinia and has a population of approximately 42,000 people. It is a very pretty city that combines an untouched and completely pedestrian medieval town centre with beautiful beaches and clear seas. Originally a fishing village, it was seized by the Genoese towards the end of the 12th century and became an important fortress. The city then came under control of the Catalans in the 14th century and still has many Catalonian characteristics, like the language, to this day.

Alghero is an historical town with a great urban quality, well connected with the Italian continent and other international destinations. The Airport is approximately 10 kilometres to the North West of the town centre and is directly connected with Rome, Milan, Pisa, Bologna, Turin and several important European cities, such as London, Frankfurt, Barcelona, Madrid, Bremen and Paris.

Although Alghero may not offer accommodation in a students’ residence, finding accommodation is quite easy. During the ten months of the courses there is a great offer of apartments for rent at reasonable rates and in Fertilia (5 km from Alghero) there is a Youth Hostel.

The Faculty offers the canteen service and many restaurants and bars offer special prices for the students of the Department.