International students enrolment in master level degree programmes
Enrolment at the University in Italy is regulated by inter-ministerial provisions which establish different access methods for EU or equivalent students and non-EU students residing abroad.
Italian citizens in possession of a foreign qualification, European Union citizens and non-European Union citizens regularly residing in Italy have access to university courses without quota limitations and submit the application for enrolment directly to the University according to the methods and terms established by the Bachelor's or Master's Degree Programmes. They do not have to take any Italian language test and are eligible for EU places.
Non-EU students residing abroad are required to submit a pre-enrolment application on the UniversItaly platform. They are also required to take and pass an Italian language test in order to access university Degree Programmes.
Admission requirements
To be admitted to a Master's Degree Programme you must have a degree or other equivalent qualification, obtained abroad, recognized as suitable according to current laws.
For open admission Master's Degree Programme, the accademic regulations indicate the access requirements:
- the possession of specific curricular requirements;
- the adequacy of the student's personal preparation.
For Master's Degree Programme with limited admission, the access requirements and access methods are described in the calls for admission and can be divided into:
- access with assessment of Cisia Tolc certification
- access with other types of assessments (tests, CV, interviews, etc.) – the assessment methods are indicated in the calls
Open admission and selective programmes
Degree Programmes (Bachelor's and Master's Degrees) can be open admission with verification of initial preparation or with limited admission.
Open admission programmes
To proceed with enrolment in open admission Degree Programmes for which a basic knowledge test is required, consult the information contained in the pages of the individual Degree Programmes.
Selective Programmes with limited admissions
Selective Degree Programmes have a limited number of places: access is managed with a selection test whose result determines the position in the final ranking of students admitted to enrolment. Only students placed in a useful position in the ranking list can enrol in the Degree Programme. The admission test procedures are specified in the call for admission.
Calls and adimission tests
For Selective Degree Programmes with limited admission, every year between April and July, the University of Sassari publishes calls for admission with the methods of enrolment in the first year of the Master’s degree programes. The calls specify the admission requirements, the admission tests, the number of places available for the Programme with limited access and the enrolment procedures.
Master's Degree Programmes offered by the Department of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning
Master’s Degree Programmes | Master’s Degree class | Length | Type of admission | Type of entrance exam | Delivery Language | Delivery mode | Places for EU students | Places for non-EN students risiding abroad | Call | Call application window |
Architecture | LM-4 | 2 years | selective programme | 1. Candidate profile evaluation 2. Interview |
Italian | Conventional (face to face) |
40 Second call 26 |
10 Secondo call 10 |
18 June 2024 - 23 September 2024 Second call: 05 November 2024 - 01 December 2024 |
Planning and Policies for the City, Environment and Landscape | LM-48 | 2 years | selective programme | 1. Candidate profile evaluation 2. Interview |
Italian | Blended: 50% face to face and 50% online |
23 Second call 16 Third call 11 |
15 Secondo call 9 Third call 9 |
First call: 18 June 2024 - 21 July 2024 Second call: 05 August 2024 - 25 September 2024 Third call: 05 November 2024 - 01 December 2024 |
NB. the number of places available for selective Degree Programmes with limited access is decided every year
For further information, consult the Degree Programme pages on the department website:
The calls for admission are published in the Selective programmes section on the university website.
The admission requirements for the competitions are indicated in the calls.
Participation to the call for admission
To participate in the call for admission to Selective Programmes, you must to follow the participation procedure indicated in the individual call. The calls for admission are published every year between April and July. Wait for the call to be published and apply during the call applicaton window.
The main steps are given below:
1) to create your user account register your personal data (as displayed in your identity document) in the Self Studenti Uniss of the University of Sassari: then click 'Registrazione'.
For information:
Video tutorial:
2) To apply for the call, once the registration of your personal data has been completed, log in to the Self Studenti Uniss and then click Menù > Segreteria > Concorsi di ammissione and select the call to which you wish to participate, paying attention to select to the correct administrative category (places reserved for EU and non-EU citizens resident in Italy/places reserved for non-EU citizens resident abroad).
The documentation required for participation in the call must be uploaded in PDF format and the application procedure must be completed within the deadline indicated in the call.
Enrolment guide:
3) Pay the participation fee for the application (usually around €30.00). The payment notice will be available in the Payments section of the Self Studenti Uniss upon completion of the application and is payable exclusively through the electronic payment systems provided by PagoPA with the deadline stated in the call.
PagoPA guide:
4) Participate in the tests detailed in the call, for example the online test, the practical test and the interview on the dates indicated in the call.
5) Enrol: candidates successfully placed in the ranking list must enrol within the deadline indicated in the call, from the Self Studenti Uniss menu Segreteria > Immatricolazione.
Once the enrolment procedure has been completed, the system will automatically generate a payment notice relating to the first installment of the tuition fees, which must be paid through the electronic payment systems provided by pagoPA by the deadline indicated in the call.
Enrolment guide:
Documents and data necessary for enrolment in Master's Degree Programmes
Documents and data
- Personal data: full name as included on your Passport or identity document, residence address, telephone numbers, email address
- Italian tax identification number (codice fiscale). International students must request codice fiscale the tax code at the italian embassy/consulate of their country of origin before arrival
- Identity document: during the enrolment procedure you will be asked to uploaded scanned copy of a valid identity document. The copy of the identity document will be validated upon enrolment
- Passport photo
- Required qualification: during the enrolment procedure you will be required enter the qualification you possess that allows you to access the Degree Programme in which you wish to enroll (Bachelor's and single-cycle master's degrees: upper secondary school diploma; Master's degrees: Bachelor Degree).
Students with foreign qualifications
Students with foreign qualifications must submit:
- Final upper secondary school qualification, original and official translation into Italian (if original not issued in English), legalized by the authorities of the country issuing the qualification;
- First cycle university qualification - European Qualifications Framework (EQF) 6 (Bachelor Degree or equivalent), in original and official translation into Italian if not issued in English, legalized by the competent authorities of the country issuing the qualification;
- Declaration of value on site issued by the Italian Embassy in the country where the diploma was obtained or CIMEA comparability certificate or validity certificate issued by ENIC-NARIC centres;
- certificate with details of the courses attended and exams taken abroad to obtain the foreign university degree (Transcript of records) and official translation of the certificate into Italian, if original not issued in English;
High school diploma, university or post-secondary certificates, and Bachelor's degrees are also accepted in English.
The legalized translation of the university qualification and the related Declaration of Value/validity certificate can be replaced by the Diploma Supplement issued by the Universities of countries belonging to the European Higher Education Area.
Non-EU students residing abroad
In addition to the documents required for students with a foreign qualification, referred to in the previous points, non-EU students residing abroad must also submit:
- receipt of the pre-enrolment application on Universitaly
- visa for study (type D)
- receipt of the request for the residence permit
- any Italian language certificates
Non-EU students residing abroad: Italian language test
All non-EU students residing abroad who intend to enrol in a Degree Programme taught in Italian must pass an Italian language test. The date of the language proficiency test is normally included in the call for admission.
Students who have obtained certificates of competence in the Italian language issued under the CLIQ quality system, of a grade no lower than level B2 of the Council of Europe Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, do not have to take the Italian language proficiency test.
Passing the Italian language test is an essential requirement for enrolment. Students who do not pass the Italian language proficiency test will not be admitted to the Degree Programme.
Non-EU students residing abroad: pre-enrolment application on the UniversItaly portal
In order to study at the University of Sassari, non-EU citizens residing abroad are required to submit a pre-enrolment application on UniversItaly portal within the deadlines established by the Ministry.
International students who require an Visa for study to enter Italy for long-term stays can be enrolled within the limits of the quota of places reserved for each Degree Programme depending on the type of admission (national or local programmed admission).
Enrolment of non-EU students
Ministerial guidelines (Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca):
UniversItaly - The 10-steps-path to Study in Italy:
Register on the UniversItaly platform:
For further information on the pre-enrolment procedures, contact the Student Records and Educational Offer Office
Dott.ssa Maria Rita Cubeddu
Useful links: Enrolment at the University of Sassari
Useful links: Non-EU students residing abroad
- University of Sassari - Enrolment of non-EU students
- Ministerial guidelines (Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca)
- Study in Italy in 5 steps (Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale)
- UniversItaly - The 10-steps-path to Study in Italy
- Register on the UniversItaly platform
- CEFR Levels - Common European Framework of Reference for Language
- Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) self-assessment grids
- University of Sassari - Language Centre (CLA)