da Lunedì, 3 Settembre 2018 a Giovedì, 13 Settembre 2018
Scuole estive e workshop

10th International School Awareness and Responsibility of Environmental Risk + 5th Young Researchers’ Round Table

L'Aquila (Abruzzo)

10th International School Awareness and Responsibility of Environmental Risk


Now in its tenth edition, the School started in 2008. It is dedicated to graduate students and graduates in architecture, urban design, planning, engineering, geography, geology, sociology, environmental studies as well as business and political science.
The school gives an opportunity to argue on design and environmental risk factors along with their management. While working on a case study, students will be guided and supported by an international and multidisciplinary team of experts and tutors.
The idea of the school derives from the believe that awareness shall not be left aside by knowledge: to analyse, elaborate, reason, decide and act, knowledge is an essential scientific presupposition.
To choose deliberately “what, where, why, when, for whom, and how” we design is the basis of any design process.
The aim is to raise the awareness of design, management, and planning issues regarding territories vulnerable to environmental risks.

Case study // Topic
Solicitude for city pedestrians slips easily and naturally into preoccupation with problems of traffic-separation. From this preoccupation, it is only a step to infatuation with tour de forces of gadgetry on a grandiose city-centre scale.
The pedestrians, having somewhere along the line become metamorphosed from whole and various human beings into abstract ‘pedestrian traffic’, became an excuse for a showy but fake, inflexible and limited pretence at city environment (Jane Jacobs, 1965).
The post-earthquake reconstruction of the city of L’Aquila opens new perspectives on the issue of walkability and walk ability in contemporary cities and gives an opportunity to abandon the rigid, technocratic and abstract paradigm of the ‘pedestrian traffic’ described by Jane Jacobs over half century ago.


5th Young Researchers’ Round Table

It is a conference and workshop for doctoral students, postdoctoral scholars and junior researchers intended an open forum where participants can discuss their interests, work, and plans.
There isn’t any thesis to agree or disagree with apart from general keywords of awareness, responsibility, environment, environmental risk, vulnerability, resilience and the general topic of the school to which the conference is the tribute, no rigid formula but a space where young researchers who share a common future can meet.

It is obligatory for the participant of the school to attend all the conference sessions.

Information and registration

Application forms shall be consigned to paola.rizzi@univaq.it
Upon the evaluation, the most innovative project will be awarded.
Upon the termination of the school, a certificate will be issued.
All projects will be exhibited. ECTS value of the school will be assigned according to national standards.


Registration submission deadline expires on July 15, 2018.
Registration deadline expires on July 15, 2018.

Flyer and registration form