Martedì, 29 Novembre 2022
ore: dalle 17:30 alle 19:00

Architecture Is a Human Right

Complesso del Santa Chiara, Aula Piazza Juharia
Locandina conferenza 29 novembre


Jorge Lobos | DADU, Università degli Studi di Sassari

Architecture Is a Human Right

    29 Novembre 2022  dalle 17:30 alle 19:00 
    Complesso del Santa Chiara, Aula Piazza Juharia 
    Codice Microsoft Teams: dNVsp2,

Each thought and each action of human evolution depend on and belong to the collective experience, although if it may crystallize in a single human being. We must accept that this form of knowledge is part of our collective intelligence and therefore belongs to every human being on the planet. Architecture is an intrinsic part of this accumulated knowledge and should be available to all human beings who lives in our world.

Co-Founder of Puri-Global, Denmark 2021

Founder of “Architect & Human Rights” ARCH+H.R. Denmark 2015, and AEiDH Chile 2015

Director Post-graduate Master EMERGENCY & RESILIENCE – IUAV Venice Italy 2016

Associate Professor University of Sassari, UNISS, Italy since 2007

Founder of workshop 5x5, (UNAB Chile 2006-2007 and KADK + UNISS 2009-2015)

Visiting Teacher: Royal Danish Academy KADK Denmark, UACH Chile, Porto Portugal, ETSAM Madrid Spain

Associate Professor University of Chile FAU 1997-2006

Studio of architecture: Denmark, ‘Earchitecture’ since 2009. Spain “Lobos/Tato/Vallejo” 2000-2005. Chile “Jorge Lobos + associate architects” since 1985.

Master Theory & Practice of Project, ETSAB-UPC Barcelona Spain 2006-2007

Architect University of Chile, FAU 1984 MAIN AWARDS and Recognitions


Copyright immagine: Bench for 100 people. UNISS, ARCH+H.R. and refugees from North Africa, Fertilia, Sardinia, 2017