Drawing the Landscape of Artificial Meat: What Eco-Social Designs Are Brewing in the Lab?
Clemens Driessen | Wageningen University
Drawing the Landscape of Artificial Meat: What Eco-Social Designs Are Brewing in the Lab?
23 Marzo 2023 dalle 09:00 alle 11:00
Complesso del Santa Chiara, Aula Santa Croce 1° piano
Codice Microsoft Teams: iq12efm - http://bitly.ws/Abns
Philosophy gets written onto the surface of the earth. Concepts can be found in patterns planted in the ground. Ideologies are bred into the bodies of animals. Social relations are coproduced with the technologies of agrifood logistics. In this talk we will explore a geographical history of ideas embedded in agricultural landscapes: from renaissance gardens, via Cartesian space, to pixelfarms managed by robots. And, drawing on recent developments in ‘cellular agriculture’, we will speculate on the ideas and artificial landscapes currently brewing in laboratories and venture capital start-up ecosystems.
Clemens Driessen is a more-than-human geographer (formerly philosopher) at Wageningen University, the Netherlands. He is interested in the ways in which animals, plants, humans and other organisms shape ideas, and each other, in historical and contemporary technological cultures. Often in collaboration with designers, architects, conservationists, farmers, and (when they care to join) some pigs, cows or beavers, he studies new ways of designing multispecies worlds.