Evolution in regional knowledge spaces – Theoretical and methodological insights for STI policy interventions
Dottorato in Architettura e Ambiente
Dieter F. Kogler | University College Dublin
Evolution in regional knowledge spaces – Theoretical and methodological insights for STI policy interventions
21 Ottobre 2024 dalle 15:00 alle 18:00
Asilo Sella, Aula Cherchi | A3a
Codice e link Microsoft Teams: hj3ympa – Link: urly.it/3118ph
Introducono e coordinano: Sandro Sanna, Alessandro Plaisant e Tanja Congiu, DADU UNISS
The Evolutionary Economic Geography paradigm provides an ample opportunity to inform and shape advanced Science, Technology and Innovation policy initiatives, which aim to address spatial inequalities and ensure transitions towards sustain(ed)able development. In this context, the Knowledge Space methodology emerged as a versatile method capable of evaluating current, and informing future, regional STI policy actions, e.g., S3 Strategies in light of ongoing socio-economic and technological transitions.
Founder and academic director of the UCD Spatial Dynamics Lab. Associate Prof. in Economic Geography at the School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy at University College Dublin. His research focus is on the geography of innovation and evolutionary economic geography, with particular emphasis on knowledge production and diffusion, and processes related to technological change, innovation, and economic growth. For further information: https://www.rknowledge.org/.